Behr paint colors ColorSmart tool at is a terrific way to see your rooms with a new color scheme from the comfort of your own pc and without the risk of costly mistakes.
Having registered and logged in at the website, simply select 'Launch ColorSmart by BEHR' from the 'find your color' dropdown menu - you will need to authorize your browser to allow pop-ups.
I then chose the 'Browse Colors' option in the ColorSmart section and then selected 'blues' from the color families on offer.
I chose a shade called 'Little Pond' and clicked select.
I clicked on the 'coordinate' option on the next page and selected 'See Coordinated Colors - Main'.
I was then given four selections based on my choice of 'Little Pond' with the headings:
Subtle Blends - a monochromatic palette that is classic and comforting
Complementary Details - an exciting palette providing the perfect complement
Warm Details - an inviting palette with warm harmonies
Cool Details - a calming palette with cool harmonies
I chose 'warm' and was then taken to a page which gave me details of the specific Behr paint colors I had chosen and was given the option to upload my own photo - much better than looking at color schemes on a generic living room picture.
I uploaded a living room photo and set to work applying my chosen color palette to the picture.
I must admit I found it a bit tricky. Even having watched the help video - yes, really - I couldn't seem to get it to see the ceiling and walls as separate areas and any color change I made was applied to the whole area.
It didn't matter that much as I tend to favour white as a ceiling color anyway but it would have been irritating if I had been trying to use a co-ordinating shade.
The bottom line is that I think this is a very good tool for suggesting a color palette you may wish to consider when you have one color to base it on. It may be that you have already painted the walls and are looking for suggestions for other items in the room and I did like the suggestions they made.
I did find the Behr paint colors 'Paint Your Place' option a little difficult to use though for anything beyond the basic change of wall color although that may be enough for what you need. Well worth a try in my opinion.
So, where would you like to go now...
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