A color wheel is an easy to use visual guide to help you see what colors go well together.
These colors usually come from opposite ends of the spectrum. The basic 'primary' colors are red, blue and yellow, and the 'opposites' or 'complementaries' of these are green, violet and orange. Can you can see the pattern here? (no, I couldn't either until someone pointed it out!) - the opposite of each primary color is obtained by mixing the other two primaries together. |
The easiest way to spot harmonious relationships is to use an artist's color wheel.
Each segment is paired with its opposite, so you can see which colors and tones work together.
The 'tone' depends on the amount of black or white mixed with it.
The purer the color the more vibrant it is.
As any fan of Christmas will tell you, red and green are a good combination as illustrated by A1 and its opposite, A2.
Sea blue and golden-brown is another winner and clearly 'someone' knew what they were doing when they created the ocean and sandy beaches!
We can often take inspiration from the landscape around us when it comes to pairing colours.
If you have any rooms in your vacation property which get little natural light, it is a good idea to use pastel shades for the walls to make the most of what light there is.
Don't worry - you can always add color with your accessories!
A very large room can be lovely and airy if your property is in a hot climate but somewhere like a ski chalet for example might need the use of brighter and warmer colors on the walls to stop it looking too cold and clinical.
Whilst we are on the subject of color, have a look here for a quick run down on The Psychology Of Color.
Photo courtesy of Kap'n'Kaos @ Flickr
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